Chile Earthquake 2014

Wikipedia link of the crisis:

Data collection details

Collection start date/time: 2014-04-02 05:40:22

Collection end date/time: 2014-04-17 19:26:02

Language filters: English

Keywords/hashtags used in collection: #EarthquakeInChile, #ChileEarthquake, #chiletsunami, earthquake pisagua, earthquake antofagasta, earthquake arica, earthquake patache, earthquake iquique, earthquake chile, tsunami chile, tsunami pisagua, tsunami antofagasta, tsunami arica, tsunami patache, tsunami iquique, #prayforarica, #prayforchile, #prayforiquique, #prayforpisagua, #prayforantofagasta

Full dataset consisting of ~368,630 tuples (tweet-id, user-id) is available to download: Full Tweets Ids